Wakenitz Schifffahrt Quandt
Our partner for the trip to Lübeck

Schleswig-Holstein Tourismus
You can find the current event calendar for Ratzeburg here

Wir in Ratzeburg
Here is the official website of the W.I.R. e. V. Ratzeburg

Stadt Ratzeburg
Here is the official website of the island town of Ratzeburg

Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg
Here is the official website of the Duchy of Lauenburg

Interessengemeinschaft Tourismus e.V.
Here you will find attractive holiday apartments, hotels and leisure activities

FELINE - Holiday apartments
Holiday apartments around Ratzeburg and more can be found here at Feline Holidays.

Kanu-Center Lothar Krebs
From our Rothenhusen landing stage by canoe?

Ratzeburger Segelschule
You can find the website of the Ratzeburg sailing school here.

You can find a bike rental in Ratzeburg here.

Herzogtum Lauenburg Marketing u. Service GmbH
The official website of the Duchy of Lauenburg Marketing und Service GmbH

Jugenherberge Ratzeburg
Here is the website of the youth hostel in Ratzeburg

Erlebnisbahn Ratzeburg
Rail transport and leisure fun with a difference.

You can find the current weather for Ratzeburg here on wetter.de

Flotte Weser
Here is the official website of our partner company, Flotte Weser.

Ferienwohnungen in Buchholz
The holiday apartments by the lake in Buchholz offer peace and relaxation